Assistance for hiring and training unemployed people registered with the IEFP.

Financial support to employers who give open-ended or fixed-term work contracts for 12 months or more to unemployed people registered with the Employment and Professional Training Institute (IEFP), under the obligation to provide professional training to the contracted workers.

Neste momento as candidaturas a este apoio estão encerradas.
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Ilustração em formato redonda em tom verde

Provide financial incentives to employers who hire and provide professional training to unemployed people enrolled in the IEFP.

Mais informação sobre como aceder a este incentivo

Unemployed people registered with the employment services in one of the following situations: 

  • For at least 6 consecutive months. 
  • At least 2 consecutive months with:
    • Aged 29 or younger
    • Aged 45 or older
  • Regardless of the length of enrollment, when they are: 
    • Unemployment benefit beneficiary. 
    • Social Insertion Income beneficiary.
    • A person with a disability and an impairment.
    • Single parent family members. 
    • Someone whose spouse or unmarried partner is also unemployed and registered with the IEFP.
    • Domestic violence victim.
    • Refugee.
    • Former prisoners and those who are serving or have served non-custodial sentences or judicial measures and are able to enter active life.
    • A recovering drug addict.
    • Anyone who has no Social Security records as an employee or self-employed for the last 12 consecutive months preceding the job offer registration date.
    • Anyone who has served effectively under a Contract Regime, Special Contract Regime or Volunteer Regime in the Armed Forces and who is in the conditions set forth in paragraph 2 of article 22 of Decree-Law No. 76/2018, of October 11.
    • Homeless people.
    • Those who have been recognized for Informal Caregiver Status and have provided care as the primary informal caregiver.
    • Someone who has concluded, less than 12 months ago, an internship financed by IEFP in the scope of projects recognized as being of strategic interest, including projects presented jointly by promoting entities and technological interface centers. 
  • Belonging to another specific group defined in specific regulations or by order of the member of the Government responsible for employment, depending on the priorities of public policy, namely registered unemployed people who are members of the household of a recipient supported by the measure Employment Interior MAIS – Supported Mobility for a Sustainable Interior (Order No. 174/2020, of July 17).

The employer must: 

  • Be duly incorporated and registered.
  • Fulfill the legal requirements for exercising the activity or submit proof of initiating the required process.
  • Have their tax and social security contributions in order.
  • The company must not be in default of any financial support granted by the IEFP. 
  • The company must be in good standing regarding ESF refunds – European Social Fund financing. 
  • Have organized accounting in accordance with the law.
  • No overdue salary payments ( except for companies that have initiated a special revitalization process under the Insolvency and Company Recovery Code or a process under the Out-of-Court Company Recovery System).
  • The company must not have been convicted in a criminal or administrative procedure for violation of labor legislation, notably regarding discrimination at work and access to employment, in the last three years. 
  • The criteria for receiving this incentive is as follows:

    • Advertising and registering a job offer on the IEFP portal, indicating the desire to apply for this incentive. 
    • The execution of an open-ended or fixed-term employment contract for a period equal to or exceeding 12 months, full-time or part-time, with unemployed individuals registered with the IEFP. 
    • Net job creation and maintenance of the employment level achieved through this incentive. 
    • Provide vocational training for the duration of this incentive. 
    • Remuneration must comply with the provisions of the Guaranteed Minimum Monthly Wage and, when applicable, the respective collective bargaining agreement. 

    The second period for application to the Incentive ATIVAR.PT runs until 18:00 on December 30, 2021 (call for applications). 

    Application is made through the IEFP after the signaling of the job offer related to the jobs to be filled, and the entity must indicate the intention to benefit from the support under the Incentive Measure ATIVAR.PT. It is possible for the entity to indicate the unemployed person that it intends to hire. 

  • 12 times the value of the social support index (IAS) in the case of permanent employment contracts. 
  • 4 times the value of the IAS in the case of fixed-term employment contracts. 
  • Guidelines to submit applications to the Incentive ATIVAR.PT. 
  • Guidelines to submit applications for the Conversion of Incentive Contracts ATIVAR.PT.

Source: Information adapted from the Competitiveness Portal and the Financing Portal 
This content has been adapted and summarized. For more information consult the regulations, notices and other information provided by the incentive’s managing entities.

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