National Strategy for Advanced Computing 

Portugal is part of the pioneering group of six countries that signed the EuroHPC Declaration in March 2017, and with the National Strategy for Advanced Computing it intends to position itself as a reference at the European level for an Advanced Computing Services Economy, an Advanced Computing Laboratory Environment and in the Education and Training of People in this specific area of knowledge.

Advanced Computing Portugal.2030 is a science, innovation and growth strategy which aims to promote Advanced Computing (AC) in Portugal in the European context, oriented towards building a world-class high performance computing network infrastructure. This strategy covers 3 main areas:

  • Establishing a supercomputing infrastructure (data centers) in the country to serve research and innovation;
  • Development and retention of high-value people with strong advanced computing skills;
  • Implementation of an info-structure for public policy to bridge the gap between infrastructures and people in order to promote the development of high-value services and software.

The strategy considers the development of international collaborative actions and was planned to promote all areas of advanced scientific computing, as well as data processing in an effective and diverse way, between industry and academic communities and in all areas of knowledge and economy, health, climate, energy, mobility, and the study of social processes.

This strategy is expected to

  • Capitalize investment in Advanced Computing equipment;
  • Promote the RNCA: National Network for Advanced Computing;
  • Participate in RES.ES + IberGRID+ EuroHPC+ PRACE;
  • Develop large-scale activities that require the resources of supercomputing, analyzing the areas of industry, cities, transport, health, energy, among others;
  • Launch specific calls that include the need for computing requirements;
  • Establish interconnections with other computing centers;
  • Promote development of PhD programs.

Critical Success Factors

  • Provide computing resources from the National Network for Advanced Computing (NNAC) to research groups and industry, including SMEs;
  • Create a favorable environment for the establishment and growth of start-ups oriented towards services and technology based on advanced computing, in particular on the development of Advanced Computing software for data mining, engineering and visualization;
  • Modernize Public Administration services with the Advanced Computing System (Academia, Industry, Research Units, …);
  • Establish education and training programs in advanced computing for graduate qualification and re-qualification;
  • Increase the offer of post-graduate courses in relevant areas of Advanced Computing with Universities, involving themes such as parallel and distributed programming, resilience and data visualization;
  • Support the creation of short courses for specific Advanced Computing techniques and technologies, geared towards industry needs;
  • Increase collaborative Advanced Computing projects between academia and the public and private business sector;
  • Increased number of scientific publications on Advanced Computing matters in international research networks of excellence;
  • Increased levels of Advanced Computing skill qualification.

Advanced Computing Portugal 2030 Document


Coordinating entity:

Logótipo INCoDe.2030

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